Natural Fertility Melbourne
We believe that vibrant, healthy people have the best chance of making vibrant, healthy babies.
Working with natural fertility is a passion of ours. Over the years we have supported many couples at varying stages of their fertility journey. From proactive types who are looking for preconception assistance, to those who have been trying for years with heart breaking stories. Diagnosed gynecological conditions and undiagnosed infertility, we believe Chinese Medicine has something to offer everyone.
Chinese Medicine looks at reproductive health holistically. When you come in for a treatment we look at all the major aspects of your life. This includes diet and digestive health, sleep hygiene, work life balance and mental health as well as menstrual health and semen analysis. While some of this may seem unrelated we believe optimal general health provides the building blocks for optimal reproductive health.
We like to take the time to get to know you so we can guide you through lifestyle and diet changes, listen to your thoughts and work together to find solutions. The final goal is to:
- Regulate and support a healthy menstrual cycle
- Assist with diagnosed conditions such as PCOS and endometriosis
- Promote healthy endometrial lining and cervical mucus
- Support the production of healthy eggs and sperm
- increase the chances of a strong, viable embryo
A 2015 meta analysis of 4247 women taking Chinese herbal medicine (in a variety of studies including 40 randomized controlled trials) found a 2-fold improvement of pregnancy rates over four months compared to Western medicine. Trials included women with PCOS, endometriosis, anovulation, fallopian tube blockage, or unexplained infertility. Their conclusion was:
“Fertility indicators such as ovulation rates, cervical mucus score, biphasic basal body temperature, and appropriate thickness of the endometrial lining were positively influenced by Chinese herbal medicine therapy, indicating an ameliorating physiological effect conducive for a viable pregnancy.”
For best results we recommend weekly acupuncture treatment for at least three to four weeks. This gives us time to get to know your body and cycle and gain a clear understanding how you are responding to the treatment. From there we like to work with a fortnightly treatment program, timing the treatments to support the most significant parts of your cycle, usually ovulation and menstruation. We will prescribe you a personalised herbal formula to take daily and recommend simple supplements and lifestyle changes as appropriate.
For more reading check out these articles on our blog:
7 Ways to Preserve Your Fertility
If you are in your mid-20s to mid-30s, you are sure to have heard the phrase “don’t leave it too late” when people are talking fertility. And it’s true. The stats are frightening. As women our fertility peaks around 25 years old. In our mid-30s the chance of...
Laughter for Fertility
We all know it is true what they say about laughter being good for the soul. Well, now it seems to be a good medicine, especially for those struggling with fertility. It may sound like of those 'easier said than done' statements, when you are faced with month after...
Ovarian Reserve
How useful is the AMH blood test? There was a very interesting article in The Age that we though would be good to share. It’s about the anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) blood test and its accuracy. AMH is a hormone produced by the developing follicles on a woman's...
Phase Two – The Follicular Phase
Phase 2 The Follicular Phase (Yin Rising) By Annalise Drok The second phase of the menstrual cycle is all about yin essence in Chinese Medicine. The feminine, cool, moistening energy. It is when the follicles are growing, oestrogen is being produced and the...
Nourishing Life
Nourishing Life, and Fertility Yang Sheng, in Chinese, means to ‘nourish life’. The principles are based on the preservation of health, not just the treatment of disease. The way we choose to care for our health now will impact not only on the quality of our health in...
Fish, omega 3’s, mercury and pregnancy
The question of eating fish while trying to conceive and during pregnancy seems to come up a lot. On one hand we need the essential fatty acids that fish offers for the health and development of the baby's eyes, brain and nervous system. Not to mention mum's immune...
If you are interested in more detailed information about how Chinese Medicine can help you please call us, or book an appointment here.