Happy Year of the Monkey

Happy Year of the Monkey

Happy Year of the Monkey to you all!

As the Year of the Sheep wound down, the staff here at Quiescence  embraced some big life changes.

Our lovely practitioner Rose was married, and has been enjoying a well earned break traveling in Bali, while Purdy is planning her wedding for next month. My son Finley started his first week of school. I think the adjustment has been almost as big for me as it has for him!  Karina has committed to working three evenings a week at Quiescence, we are looking forward to seeing her smiling face around more often.   And in very exciting news, Andre and his wife Gon welcomed the arrival of their healthy baby boy.  Both Mum and bub are recovering well and we wish him and his family much happiness.Happy Year of the Monkey

Aside from our personal goings on, you may have already seen that the clinic has had a bit of a makeover.  We now have a beautiful new front desk, which has created a much better flow for reception and dispensing. And to celebrate the beginning of the Year of the Monkey, Kristen and Phoebe are offering 1hr remedial massage for only $70 on Sundays and Mondays this month.

So, what will the Year of the Fire Monkey bring?

As you’d expect with the imagery of a Monkey year, drama, excitement and energy abound.

Monkeys are intelligent, mischievous and quick-witted beings.  They are enthusiastic, and excellent problem solvers. So much so that, in the Monkey’s domain, it is often said that: “Anything is possible.  What is difficult can be done  immediately,  what is impossible may take a little longer”.

Monkeys do, however, have the tendency to be hyperactive, impulsive and strong minded.  There is a reason they are the symbol of trickery!  This all  indicates that the coming year will be a fast-paced roller coaster ride, full of optimism and new ideas, with a dose of deception for the unwise.  It was in the last Year of the Monkey (12 years ago!) that Facebook started, giving rise to social media and creating a new dimension to how we communicate, share information and advertise.

Globally there will be some swings and fluctuations in the economy and political upheavals (with both Australia and the US due for elections this year).  But on the whole it is a year the favours the little guy, big business is less likely to prosper against individual risk takers.  A good time to get behind local grassroots movements.

To keep up with the exhausting pace of the Fire Monkey, its doubly important to look after your health.  Commit to a regular acupuncture regime and keep up your exercise program to manage stress levels.  Talk to us about how you can manage your diet to ensure you are well nourished through the day.

If you’re expecting a baby this year, you can look forward to meeting an intelligent, imaginative little creature, who likes to be involved in everything that’s going on.  They can be stubborn and competitive but also lively and full of vitality.  The fire monkey is said to attract the respect of others and show great loyalty to their partners.

We look forward to assisting you with your health goals this year.

Happy Year of the Monkey!


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